Consider This if You Lack Confidence

Do you lack confidence? Sometimes we have to work through inner issues before we can move forward. Read more to discover one thing that might be holding you back!

Do you ever find yourself asking these questions?

Where is my confidence?
What is holding me back?
Why can’t I move forward?

I think these are common questions we might be asking if we find ourselves stuck and unable to take that next big step. Asking these types of questions puts us on the right track. You see, sometimes to move forward we have to stop and uncover the issues inside – the things that are keeping us stuck in a cycle of fear.

The thing is, it’s hard to figure these things out. I don’t know about you, but the hardest person I’ve ever tried to understand is myself! Fortunately, God has shed a little light on the picture so to speak, and I discovered one of my biggest problems is perfectionism. My friend, Terri, who writes for you today, also struggles with perfectionism.

Perfectionism puts the brakes on moving forward, and it instills a lack of confidence. It’s also very sneaky and hard to see! It can hide in many forms and fashions. But it’s time to bring it out into the light!

Join me today as Terri uncovers perfectionism and points us in the right direction so we can find confidence in the right place. Click the purple button below to read more!

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The Story Behind Journey to Imperfect

Perfectionism is real, friends, and it often remains hidden in our lives. Join me today and find out how I discovered my own problem with perfectionism. Then join me at Journey to Imperfect where you’ll discover God’s love and grace for help in overcoming it.

Hi Friends!

Today I’m honored to be sharing the story behind the creation of Journey to Imperfect through a guest post at my friend, Natalie Venegas’ blog, Milk & Honey Faith. Natalie’s writing and her generosity has been an inspiration and encouragement to me. She has a heart for inspiring others to grow in faith and to step out into their God given callings.  You’ll see this through her writing just as I have seen it personally as we’ve had the opportunity to get to know each other. 

Natalie also has a heart for helping women connect with each other. She does this through her a monthly post on her blog called the “Faithful Feature.” I’m honored to be a part of that today!

Are you curious about how Journey to Imperfect came to be? Join me and Natalie over at and find out more! When you get there, I encourage you to stay for a while and look around.  You’ll be blessed, I can assure you!

Click READ MORE below to find links to Natalie’s Faithful Feature and learn more about the story behind Journey to Imperfect! 

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Dispelling the Myths About Perfectionists, Guest Post by Maree Dee

Do you know a perfectionist? Do you struggle with perfectionism yourself? Read this post by my friend, Maree Dee, to discover some interesting insights about perfectionism.

Today, I have a guest post for you from my friend, Maree Dee. Maree graciously allowed me to repost an article named “Dispelling the Myths about Perfectionism” which she originally published on her blog,

Perfectionism comes in many forms. It can be complex and hard to understand. This article brings out some qualities or characteristics that are found in some people who struggle with perfectionism. Reading Maree’s insights might help you understand a friend or family member or maybe even yourself. If I had read a list like this a long time ago, I may have seen my own perfectionistic tendencies a lot sooner. Perfectionism hides well, but it’s all around us. I’m very appreciative to Maree for this excellent article and the perspectives she shares!

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A Grace that Defines

Perfectionism can make it hard to receive His grace, and this issue holds us back in ways we often don’t see. Read to find out more.

We’ve been talking about grace for the past few weeks.

• We’ve talked about how God’s grace was available for us before the foundation of the world.
• We’ve talked about how God gives us grace each day in just the right amount for what we need for that particular day.
• And we’ve talked about how grace sets us free.

Today we’ll continue or conversations about grace by looking at an insight that might help us, especially if we struggle with perfectionism.

A huge issue in perfectionism is understanding God’s grace. Our perfectionism can make it hard to receive His grace, and this issue holds us back in ways we often don’t see. Even if we do not struggle with perfectionism, this grace issue is one that many of us face at one time or another in our lives.

There can be many reasons why we find it hard to receive God’s grace, but one particular hindrance to receiving grace is the issue of our own expectations.

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Build A Better Prayer Life (By Avoiding This Perfectionism Pitfall)

There is Someone who can do a better job building our prayer life than we can. Avoid this perfectionism pitfall in your prayer life! Read to find out more!

For every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God. (Hebrews 3:4, NKJV)

Prayer is a little like building a house. It takes a plan, a whole lot of time and effort, the right tools and a master builder.

Now if there’s anything a perfectionist likes, it’s a good plan, right? We like the tools, and we are willing to put in the time and effort. As a matter of fact, we are driven in many ways (and not all of them are healthy ways). We want to be efficient, and we focus on that end result, often at the expense of the process it takes to get there. These are all things we need to keep an eye on in our day to day life situations.

But we also have to watch out for these things in our prayer lives, because if we are not careful, we’ll focus so much on the plan that we’ll forget who the builder is.

Join me today as we talk more about prayer and a common perfectionism pitfall.

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Do You Need to Re-Define? Thinking from a Truth Perspective

Identity is a very important thing to understand, but it can be elusive and difficult to figure out. We know we need to be getting our identity from Christ, but what does that really mean?

Identity is a very important thing to understand, but it can be elusive and difficult to figure out. If we’ve been with Jesus very long, or if we’ve listened to our pastors and other wise mentors, we know we need to be getting our identity from Christ, but what does that really mean? And if we figure that part out, then how do we get that knowledge from our head to our heart?

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