Five Powerful Verses for When You Need a New Perspective {FREE Printables!}
Perspective is all about seeing something from a larger frame of reference. The thing is, having the right perspective is awfully hard sometimes because we see things from such a small vantage point. It’s hard to step outside of our ordinary ways of thinking to see God’s bigger picture. Join me this week for a look at five powerful verses to help you find better perspectives. {FREE PRINTABLES!}
When Being Still is Uncomfortable, A Different Perspective
I sat there on my back porch. It was quiet and soft and misty on a peaceful morning in the country. But I was so uncomfortable. I was fidgety and distracted, thinking of all the things I needed to do that day. I couldn’t believe I was having such a hard time being still after all this time.
I had made a commitment this particular week. Each day I was going to work on consistently spending a few minutes in complete stillness and quiet, away from all distractions, just being with God. Although I was consistently studying His word and praying, I found that being completely still before Him was very difficult for me. If you struggle with stillness, too, click to read more. We’ll talk about busyness, being still, and renewal of the mind.
The Invisible Gift of a New Perspective
A walk in the woods left me with an unexpected gift. Join me today as we talk about new perspectives and how to begin finding them.
What Does Perfect Really Mean According to the Bible? Part 2
Join me again this week as we take a look at what the word “perfect” really means according to several very special Bible verses! Inside them, you’ll find insights that can change the way you think!
What Does Perfect Really Mean According to the Bible?
Have you ever wondered about that verse in the Bible that asks us to be perfect just like God is perfect? It’s Matthew 5:48 and it is often misunderstood. Join me today as we discuss the intent and meaning behind the word “perfect” in this verse.
Top 12 Things I’ve Learned this Winter
I love lists. Most of my lists are To-Do lists. But recently I was inspired to write a different kind of list. Join me as we discuss creating a list that will help us reflect on the past, pull out the important parts, and keep going on to the next thing.
Do You Ever Wonder if You Are Enough?
It’s a long journey, this becoming all we were meant to be. It takes effort, an every single day kind of effort. It’s so easy to give in to that little voice inside that tells us we aren’t enough. But God’s word tells us differently – exceedingly, abundantly differently. Keep reading to find out more!
What God Thinks About You Changes Everything!
What we think about ourselves is so very important! It is absolutely essential that we realize the truth about who we are. And because of that, the enemy is going to try to feed us lies and attack us in many different ways to mislead us about our identity, value and worth. But friends, we are so very, very loved and valuable to God. If we can get that truth deep into our hearts where we can begin to believe it, that changes everything! Read more to find out how He feels about YOU! {Free Printables!}
From Head to Heart, A Journey Through Finding Identity
As Christian women we know so many things about God’s love. We hear it from the pulpit, we read it in the Bible, we see it lived out right before our very eyes. But at the same time, we can go for years or even decades and not realize that we don’t fully understand that love. It can be so hard to get knowledge from our heads where we know the facts to our hearts where it becomes real in our lives. Keep reading to find three scriptural steps to help solve this problem.