The Story
I held the book in my hands, one that I had read hundreds of times it seemed. I was exhausted. I could hardly keep my own eyes open, and her big brown ones had, much to my relief, finally closed. I was ready to be done and go to bed myself, but I knew it was a delicate matter with a toddler who was so in love with books. I was careful and kept reading even after her eyes had closed. Then I did it. I flipped ahead, but I kept on right on going just like nothing had happened. Quick as a flash, those big brown eyes opened right back up and said, “Mommy you missed the middle!” She was not about to let me leave out part of her favorite bedtime story, so I gave in and turned back to read the parts I’d missed. And the long night-time ritual continued.
It’s a lot like that in life. We live in the middle, and sometimes it’s messy and complicated. The thing is, if we skip any part of what God has designed for us, our story just won’t be the same. Arriving at the end without experiencing the middle would change everything, especially the ending, which is so connected to what happens in the in-between.
If we skip any part of what God has designed for us, our story just won’t be the same. Arriving at the end without experiencing the middle would change everything, especially the ending, which is so connected to what happens in the… Share on XThe Messy Middle
I’m sure most of us have situations in our life stories that we’d like to skip right over – especially those things that are hard and difficult to walk through – that messy middle ground, those long and drawn out in-between times. We’re not in heaven yet, but we long for it. And in the waiting, there’s a growing time that is often full of difficulties. There’s no way around it, as much as we might like the story to be different, the Bible tells us that we will face adversity and suffering in this life.
These things I have spoken to you, so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33, NASB)
These hard parts, they are often the part that God can use in ways we could not imagine when we are in the midst of them. But often, as we walk through suffering it’s hard to see ahead. We are left with many questions, some of which may never be answered until we get to heaven.
God Cares
If you are walking through a trying time, the Bible has comfort for you. If we have an open and humble heart, there are answers there. But we have to be willing to accept the ones we don’t want as well as those we do. We don’t know why things happen the way they do, but one thing we can stand on is this:
God knows. He cares. He sent His Son to walk beside us. And if we are open, He’ll give us insights in His word to help us understand a little bit, to deepen our faith and keep us looking to Him.
The kind of hope and peace that God gives in His Word does not depend on our circumstances. (To read more about that, click HERE.) It’s there in the midst of them though, and this is what helps us rise above the difficulties we face each and every day. This kind of hope and peace can exist simultaneously with the reality of discouragement and suffering and the emotions that result because of it. Our situations don’t always change, but our viewpoints and focus can.
The kind of hope and peace that God gives in His Word does not depend on our circumstances. Share on XFinding Answers
What I’d like to do in our new blog series on suffering is take a look at some insights from the Bible. The verses you’ll read below will be discussed in more depth in the following weeks. Although they do not necessarily answer all the questions we have, they do offer glimpses of what God can do. Seeking to understand these verses can help us hop off the roller coaster ride we face in our most difficult situations and stand on steady ground, even in the midst of unchanging circumstances. We can stand firm, we can be resolute, and we can hold up under challenges and opposition – because of Jesus, because of God’s faithfulness, because of His Word.
We can stand firm, we can be resolute, and we can hold up under challenges and opposition - because of Jesus, because of God’s faithfulness, because of His Word. Share on XFirst, however, there’s this:
If you are suffering, it can be hard to read a list like this. We want the suffering to end, right? We believe in a God who can do that, too. But sometimes that’s not the answer He gives. And when this is so, it feels confusing and can cause feelings you’d rather not have. If you find that these verses frustrate you or do not bring you comfort, it does not mean you are not spiritual enough, or that you are a failure, or that you are letting God or others down. God understands our emotions and does not condemn us. He created us with the capacity to have deep and intense feelings, and it’s natural that we struggle with them. God doesn’t ask us to stop having deep emotions and intense moments of questioning. He does, however, want us to seek Him, look to His Word, and spend time in His presence where He can help us.
God doesn’t ask us to stop having deep emotions and intense moments of questioning. He does, however, want us to seek Him, look to His Word, and spend time in His presence where He can help us. Share on XIn the following weeks we will study these verses:
Jesus is with us in our suffering.
For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ. (2 Corinthians 1:5 NASB)
Suffering involves deep and intense feelings that God understands. He has a deep compassion for us.
You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. (Psalm 56:8 NLT)
We can trust Him to do what is right in our lives.
Therefore, let those also who suffer according to the will of God entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right. (1 Peter 4:19 NASB)
Suffering produces perseverance, which leads to character, which results in hope.
And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (Romans 5:3-4, NASB)
When we suffer, we can truly understand and comfort others going through the same.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4, NASB)
Suffering prepares us for eternity.
Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day. For momentary, light affliction is producing for us an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison, while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NASB)
The End of the Story
So for today, I read those verses and choose not to skip any pages – because if I do, I’ll miss something essential that the Lord has for me. What happens in the messy middle is tied to the end that God has envisioned for me. If I skip over it, the ending won’t turn out the same.
Will you join me in trusting Him to do what is right in our lives, even when it involves difficulties and suffering? He sees the all of our story, and He knows the twists and turns it will take to get us to the perfect ending that He has already written for us!
Focus Verses
Each verse in this post is linked to its appropriate page at where you will find many free resources for deeper study.
If You Struggle With Perfectionism
If you struggle with perfectionism, hardships can have a whole new layer of difficulty because perfectionism tells us we can take care of our problems all by ourselves. It’s hard to ask for help, and it’s embarrassing to admit that we don’t have it all together. We don’t want to feel like a burden or a complainer. This often results in suffering through a difficult situation all alone which can breed loneliness and depressed feelings.
These kinds of things can happen regardless of the depth of our faith and dependance on God. This is because He created us to be in community and made us to greatly benefit from each other’s love and support. If we don’t reach out to others, just as I talked about in the post above – we’re skipping some pages, and we might miss something really good that God has for us to help us through our situation. Sometimes just getting those tough emotions out in the open can be the beginning of finding some relief in the midst of adversity. This week, if you are struggling with something, consider reaching out to someone you trust for support.
Dear Heavenly Father,
We ask you to be with us today as we come before you with open hearts to hear what you have to say to us about suffering. Help us to know You walk with us and that we can trust you to do the right thing. When we have deep emotions, help us to see Your compassion and understanding and help us to understand the benefits of the developing character and perseverance that comes from adversity, the essence of which can carry us well as we walk the pathways of the story that you have written for us! In Jesus name, Amen.
The post Finding Answers in the Midst of Suffering fist appeared at
This post may be linked in the following places. Click through to find more hope and encouragement for your new year! Moments of Hope / Tea And Word Tuesdays / Tell His Story / Cheerleaders of Faith / Coffee for Your Heart / Sitting Among Friends / Chasing Community / Salt and Light / Heart Encouragement Thursday / Counting My Blessings / Grace and Truth
How many times I have wanted to “skip pages” and run through the messy middle! I know that if I did – I would not learn the things I really need. God knows the end from the beginning. I trust he will heal my heart and life from messy times.
Thank you – Blessings!
Marie, thank you for stopping by today. He does know! Thank goodness He sees the big picture. : )
Leslie, I so appreciate the truth that God doesn’t chastise us for having questions during our times of suffering, but we can’t stay in that place for long because the questions become to big and too defining apart from entrusting them to God. This is the first time I’ve been to your site, and it is so full of hope and comfort!
Crystal, so very true! Thank you for stopping by today!
Leslie I really loved this post. It hits home for me!
I’m so glad it encouraged you, Meghan. Thank you for reading!
I find myself at seventy at the “messy end” of my life…. many “messy middles” have been gone through to get to this point. I do like that analogy, thank you Leslie. I push onwards towards the end.
…oh…and my son always did that with his bed time story. We always had to read the ‘Thomas the Tank Engine’ stories and he knew them all word for word and always knew when I ‘missed a bit’
Joy, thank you for visiting and for the thank you. I read so many Thomas the Tank Engine stories as well! Blessings to you!
Thank you so much for this post. I’m so glad Bettie’s email sent me here. I am walking through therapy for traumatic memories and some days are just so hard, like today. So I thank God so much for your words – especially about the importance of not missing out on part of our journey because it is all important, all part of God’s beautiful plan for us. I so needed to be reminded of that.
I am in His Word daily (throughout the day 😊) and that brings me fresh hope, but these words too are such a balm today. Thank you.
Anna, thank you so much for sharing this. I so appreciate knowing how this post encouraged you. I needed the same reminder and was glad to stumble upon it as some thoughts and memories came together for me after hearing a sermon recently. Added together with the verses, it meant a lot to me and I wanted to share. Thank you so much for visiting today and taking time to comment. Blessings!
Such a timely post as I was thrust right into the messy middle last night. Thank you for sharing these encouraging verses today. It’s so amazing to know that Jesus is with us in the difficult times!
Connie, I’m glad it was good timing for you! And yes to Jesus! Blessings!
I also am in some messy”middles”. Struggling with some family issues as well as seeking God for His will in a situation. The discussion and scriptures were rich reminders that God is our hope. He is faithful and we can trust Him.
Hope and peace in the Midst of suffering…only through Him! Sounds like a good series. 🙂
Thank you for visiting, Laura!
Beautiful post, Leslie. I know this is a hard topic, but I can’t wait to see how you unfold it in the coming weeks. Happy Easter to you, friend!
Sarah, Happy Easter to you as well. Thank you, sweet friend, for your love and support!
This sounds like a great series. Jesus truly does meet us in the very middle of our suffering here. I am so grateful that He never leaves us! Looking forward to reading more here over the next few weeks. Blessings to you.
Bettie, so very true and I know we are all so thankful for how Jesus is always there for us! I loved your post this week. Oh my – it was written just for me. Blessings to you and Happy Easter!
It’s tempting to want to “skip pages” but in the end God’s plan is best, He knows our beginning and our end. And, He wants what is best for us. The verses you’ve included are so comforting!
Nancy, thank you so much for visiting. I loved the verses, too and can’t wait to take a deeper dive into them! Blessings!