Five Powerful Verses for When You Need a New Perspective {FREE Printables!}

Are you looking for a new perspective? Here’s 5 powerful verses to help you!

Perspective is all about seeing something from a larger frame of reference. The thing is, having the right perspective is awfully hard sometimes because we see things from such a small vantage point. It’s hard to step outside of our ordinary ways of thinking to see God’s bigger picture. Even when we are looking for that bigger picture, many times God, in His infinite wisdom, chooses not to reveal it to us.

This can result in frustration and bad attitudes as we deal with our own lack of understanding. We will often have the wrong perspective because we are looking at things through our own eyes instead of having the faith the look up and see the One who is holding the framework of a bigger picture.

We need to have the faith to look up and see the One who is holding the framework of a bigger picture. Click To Tweet

For those times when you struggle to understand, when you don’t know which direction to go, or what to pray, here are some verses that will make a big difference

But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16 

This is a little hard to grasp, isn’t it? But you can count on God’s word as truth. We can think like Jesus and we can have His attitudes. This is God’s promise, right here in black and white stated as simply and as clearly as can be stated. We have the mind of Christ. Remember this because it is the truth.

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5 

Not only does He promise we can have the mind of Christ. He gives it to us as a command to follow. We have the promise, now we have to do the work.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:2 

In this verse, we are told that we should not be thinking like the world thinks, but instead, we should be transformed by renewing our minds. If we will do this, we have a promise that we will be able to understand the will of God. (If you would like to study this verse in more depth, you will find some valuable insights from a word study in this post.)

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Colossians 3:1-3 

Can you imagine the love that God has for you that He would take your very life, protect and shield it, and hide it safe with Jesus? We can count on the fact that what we have in Jesus goes far beyond our daily lives here and takes us straight to the heart of God. This is such a treasure to hold on to. We can set our mind on things above because Jesus is our very life.

Your life is hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:3 Click To Tweet

For from His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. John 1:16 

From grace to grace, all we have to do is receive it.


Focus Verses
If you click on each of these verses you will be taken to Bible Gateway where you will find many free resources for further study.
1 Corinthians 2:16 (NKJV)
Philippians 2:5 (NKJV)
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)
Colossians 3:1-3 (ESV)

Let’s Talk
Changing our thought patterns is a very difficult thing. Reading and repeating God’s truths is the best perspective-changer. Are there any verses that have helped you when you need a change of perspective?

Let’s Pray
Dear Heavenly Father,
We come before you today knowing that our minds can not grasp the depth of all that you have done for us. We don’t understand. We see from such limited views. But because of all that Jesus sacrificed for us, You have given us a great gift – the mind of Christ. Help us to unwrap that precious gift, to see the wonder of it, to take it and use it like You would have us use it. Help us to become more and more aware of our thought patterns. Give us the wisdom and courage to let go of old ways of thinking as we grasp the fullness of the mind of Christ that we have within us.
In Jesus name, Amen.

The post, Five Powerful Verses for When You Need a New Perspective first appeared at Journey to Imperfect.

This post may be linked in other encouraging places. Click HERE to find out where.

23 thoughts on “Five Powerful Verses for When You Need a New Perspective {FREE Printables!}

  1. Leslie – These verses are powerful and I appreciate the printable you made too! Wow, what a blessings to have them all in one place for quick reference. I have found when I remind myself to have the mind of Christ in situations, it is very helpful indeed. Thank you for linking up with #TuneInThursday this last week. I hope to see you again this Thursday at the linkup.

    1. Thanks, Debbie, for stopping by today! I do like having everything in one place so the resource library is my go to place, too. I pulled some scripture cards out of there today to give to a friend. : ) See you Thursday!

  2. Great post! I need to be more intentional about changing my perspective. I get stuck often on what I think and see.
    The printable looks great!

  3. Oh dear Leslie, thank you for carefully curating these verses.
    Truly sometimes my perspective is flawed I need to get back to the Word and clear it up. The word is bold spectacles we put on to help us in our Christian faith.
    I’m happy I’m able to visit your blog.
    Hugs and blessings
    Happy Easter

    1. Thank you, Ifeoma, for the kind words. I love that thought! “The word is bold spectacles….” So true! Thanks for visiting today!

  4. It’s hard to wrap my mind around, sometimes. That little ole’ me means that much to Him. I’m so thankful that He is my “very life.” — Happy Easter, Leslie! ((xoxo))

  5. This is packed full of truth. I LOVE the topic of perspective and actually think I’m going to click over to read more about the Romans 12 verse. It has been on my heart lately and I want to dig deeper into what it means. Thanks!

    Your neighbor @ ThoughtfulThursday

    1. Thanks, Meghan. I love the truths we find in the scriptures, and I love word studies. There’s lots of deeper meanings in there for getting a new perspective on things! Thanks for visiting today!

  6. Such a good post! Perspective has been a huge part of my growth as a believer. Learning to pull back from my human, flawed viewpoint and ask God for His perspective instead has made a huge difference for me. Thanks for sharing this for all of us:)

    1. Your welcome, Gretchen! The right perspective is a game changer for sure! Thanks for stopping by today!

  7. I love these verses you’ve shared with us, Leslie, and wholeheartedly agree that we can have the mind of Christ as “mind-blowing” as that might seem. It’s something that I try to remember and live out each day, so your words here aid me in that daily quest! Thank you, my friend!

    1. Beth, It’s mind-blowing for sure! A hard thing to grasp, but the truth, never the less. Thanks for reading today!

  8. Leslie,
    Such great verses. I copied them and printed them off to give to a friend. Praying God continues to solidify in you the truth that you have the mind of Christ and that it compels you to continue writing such encouraging posts!
    Be Blessed & Refreshed,
    ~Sherry Stahl

    1. Sherry, I’m so happy these verses came to you at a time when you needed them for a friend. Thank you for letting me know. Thank you so very much for the encouraging words!

  9. Thank you for this perspective today on perspective. I forget to look through God’s lens and when I do I find that my view is jaded at times or not clear. Your reminder to look up and see the One who is holding the framework of the bigger picture is exactly what I needed. I pray you have a blessed Easter.

    1. Thank you, Mary, for reading and for your kind comments. I hope you have a wonderful Easter week as well!

  10. Hi from your neighbor at Moments of Hope. It is great to use these verses for help with our perspective. I know I will copy them in my prayer journal for future reference. It is too easy to get stuck in our small frame-of-mind thinking and miss who God is in it. We forget that He is able to do more than we can ask or imagine. May your soul be refeshed in the great hope we have in the promises of His Word. Thanks so much for sharing this.

    1. Cheryl, Thank you so much for visiting today and for your comments! We do have such a great hope in His promises. I love that! Blessings!

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