What Does Perfect Really Mean According to the Bible?


Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary defines the word perfect like this:

(a) being entirely without fault or defect
(b) satisfying all requirements
(c) corresponding to an ideal standard or abstract concept

This definition is a very accurate picture of the way I viewed perfect in my own life for a long time. I was striving to be without fault, satisfy all the requirements, and live up to an ideal standard I had for myself.

None of that is a very good idea, though. It leaves one living in a constant cycle of trying to be good enough.

Here’s the thing. I’d known for a very long time that I couldn’t be perfect. Obviously, Jesus was the only sinless and perfect person that ever lived. Although I knew I couldn’t be perfect, every aspect of my thought processes had me in a cycle of trying to achieve perfection in my life. It was undoable, and I knew that, yet I was always in the pursuit of it. Ironically, I didn’t see that this cycle was so ingrained in my life. Strange, but true. The pursuit of perfection is extremely deceptive.

Fortunately, however, there is Someone who does see all these things about me. He understands all of us, even better than we understand ourselves. He created us, so He knows every single struggle and issue we face. He doesn’t want us to be in the dark, and if we’ll spend time with Him, He’ll show us things about ourselves. What He showed me was perfectionism. It was hard and painful, but I’m so grateful He took me there.

I knew the answers I needed would be found within the pages of the Bible. And I wasn’t disappointed. As I began to pray and dig deeper to search out word meanings, I was reminded of how God’s Word is living and active, full and rich. Ultimately, I discovered the most incredibly relieving thing that entirely changed my thought processes in regards to the pursuit of perfection.

I learned that the Bible gives us a different definition of perfect.

So what was this newly discovered definition? Let’s take a look:

Whenever the meaning of the word perfect is discussed, one of the most frequent verses to arise is Matthew 5:48. Here, Jesus is talking and He says this:

Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.  Matthew 5:48 (NKJV)

This verse has often been misunderstood to mean that God requires us to live a sinless, perfect life. This feels defeating since we know we can’t be sinless. Many have questioned why Jesus would ask us to be perfect when He knows it’s not possible for us.

I believe if we will lay aside the Webster’s definition and take a deeper look at the original Greek root words in this verse, we will have a much clearer understanding of what “perfect” really means.

According to Strong’s Concordance, the word perfect in this verse was derived from the Greek term teleios.

Teleios is defined this way:

(a) complete in all its parts,
(b) full grown, of full age,
(c) especially of the completeness of Christian character.

Going even further, Greek philosophers used the word teleios (which is translated “perfect”) in regards to something being in it’s intended function.

Yes. Let that sink in for a minute.

Redefine it in your mind.

What if being perfect really means being complete, full grown, and in my intended place? What if Jesus was not asking for sinless perfection after all?

What if being perfect really means being complete, full grown, and in my intended place? Share on X

In Matthew 5:48, Jesus is asking that we be complete, that we imitate our heavenly Father, that we be ever moving and growing and doing our best to become more and more like Him. What He is asking for is maturity.

And sisters, being mature does not mean being sinless. As a matter of fact, part of becoming more mature involves the growing that happens as a result of our sins. When we repent, make things right, and handle our sins in the correct manner, maturity is the result.

There is an additionally important point in this verse. The verb tense used in Matthew 5:48 is a future tense form. It is a “shall be” or a “will be.” So in essence this verse says, “You will be complete as your heavenly Father is complete.”

Yes, this verse is a command, and a promise. Can you see it now?

Obviously, none of us will be truly complete or perfected until we reach heaven. But right here, right now, we can most certainly be in the process of becoming complete and mature, right? And we can certainly be in our intended functions, living, loving and doing life within the plan that God has laid out for us.

This means that what Jesus asks of us in Matthew 5:48 is not an impossible goal.

What Jesus asks of us in Matthew 5:48 is not an impossible goal. Share on X

What Jesus does here is set a standard (imitating God) and He reveals to us a pathway towards that (we work on being complete and mature).  It’s a lifelong process, but it is something we are more than capable of doing through the strength and grace that God gives us.

God is my strength and power, and He makes my way perfect. 2 Samuel 22:33 (NKJV)

He is telling us that one day, we will be perfectly complete, whole, and mature – finished vessels so to speak. And we get there by working on our maturity today in the here and now. When we are doing the very best we can to be the women God creates us to be, the burden of perfection is entirely lifted off of our shoulders.

Do you feel the relief?  This, my dear friends, is something worth holding on to!



*This discussion is continued in this post: What Does Perfect Really Mean According to the Bible? Part 2

Focus Verses
Our focus verses today are highlighted in green in the article above. If you would like to study them in more depth, click on each verse and you will be taken to Bible Gateway where you can study further.

Let’s Talk
I think there are a lot of misconceptions about what the word perfect means in a Biblical context. I have chosen to focus on one verse today, but there are many others. How has understanding the true meaning of perfect (according to this verse or any others in the Bible) changed or impacted you?

Let’s Pray
Dear Heavenly Father, We ask you to be with us today and renew our minds. Help us to understand the true meaning behind the words inside the pages of our Bibles. Direct us to places and people that tell us the truth about Your precious Word. Thank You for loving us so much that you would give us Your living Word bring it come live for us. In Jesus name, Amen.

Next Week
We’ll talk next week about some cycles of thinking that misunderstandings can cause and we’ll look a little further at perfect as defined in the Bible. To read Part 2 of What Does Perfect Really Mean According to the Bible go HERE. 

*Looking for my free prayer guide to help you learn to pray Scriptures over your life and relationships? Fill out the form below! ⤵️

The article What Does Perfect Really Mean According to the Bible? first appeared at Journey to Imperfect.com. 

This article may be linked in other encouraging places. Click HERE to find out where!

32 thoughts on “What Does Perfect Really Mean According to the Bible?

  1. This article is so good! I’ve always struggled with this verse, and reading the explation helped me understand it in a whole new way. I got chills as I read about how we are to grow in spiritual maturity as we become more like Christ. Thank you!

    1. Sara, it helped me, too, as I learned about these things. There’s a lot of personal growth and spiritual maturity that comes along the way as we dig deeper into His Word! Thanks for spending time here today!

  2. I was doing a study today on Matthew 5:48 and while looking up the Greek meaning of the word perfect, also came to the same conclusion you did. While searching for definitions, I came across your blog post on this. Your post confirmed what I was seeing in the Word. I really enjoyed your words and the insight you have into this verse. The Word is definitely working on me today as I let this sink in and realize God does not intend us to be perfect as we define perfect, but always growing toward completeness and maturity in Him. Again, it shows me it’s not about me, but all about Him! Thanks again for your insight. 3 years later, it is still speaking to people like me.

    1. Dena,

      Thanks so much for reading and visiting. I love studying the root words. It is all about continuing to grow until we meet Him face to face! Thanks for the kind words. Blessings!

  3. Thank you Leslie. I am preparing a message for the St. Valentine Day Men’s Breakfast. Originally I was thinking about making the topic; “There Is No Such Thing as a Perfect Relationship”. Your post helped me to turn my message completely around in a more positive direction. My message is not “complete” yet; but I do have a new topic: “The Making of a Perfect Relationship”. Of course the title is based on the correct translation of the word which is often rendered “Perfect” in the Bible. Thanks for your insights.

    1. Vernon, thank you for visiting today. I really had a hard time understanding perfection in the Bible. Looking up the root words really gave me a lot of insight. I’m glad this helped you, too!

  4. You might want to look further into your study. The word perfect in scripture can be defined as the literal word perfect.

    When Jesus used the word perfect in Mathew it was used in it’s literal meaning and not the way you are saying.

    Meaning without error or blameless as God is.

      1. Sorry Leslie but your viewpoint is clearly obstructed by the adversary! I must agree with the Apostle John concerning this matter (1 John 3:1-10)King James Version (KJV)
        1Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.

        2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

        3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.

        4 Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.

        5 And ye know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin.

        6 Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.

        7 Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.

        8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

        9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

        10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.

        1. Quentin, thank you for posting this passage and for stating your viewpoint as well. I would welcome reading what particlar things you disagree with for more discussion here. I’m always open to discussion and growth in that way, but can’t respond if I don’t know specifically what you disagree with. I’m thankful that as believers we can discuss and learn from each other, and as always, His Word is the absolute truth and I appreciate you posting it here. Blessings for you and yours in 2019.

  5. Thanks Leslie! I’m so glad you included the Greek definitions. It will be helpful to many I am sure. It also softens the intention too! Our heavenly Father intends for us to grow and mature, and to choose the perfect path He has set before us!
    I’m sure glad that you are no longer fighting that old battle of our human nature side to be perfect- as the world thinks of perfect!

  6. Love the additional insight you added, Leslie, about what “perfect” means according to the Bible.
    “something being in its intended function” — such encouragement, sweet friend. Great reminder that God has a plan and a purpose for each one of us. ((Hugs))

    1. Crystal, Thank you for stopping by and reading today. I loved that insight, too. It really made a difference in how I understood that passage. Hugs to you, Crystal!

      1. I am as well blessed for the this mystery.
        God bless you author and I ask God for more super knowledge in his word for all Christians.

  7. Great piece. I used to think that verse meant I needed to be perfect too. Life quickly taught me that was not possible. I love the real meaning. To be growing in maturity. So many bible verses support that concept. Like, moving from milk to meat. Thanks for this knowledge.

    1. Thank you Theresa. Yes, many other verses support this concept, too. I’d love to write on other verses some day! Thanks for stoping by today!

  8. Thanks, Leslie. I struggle with perfectionism, and if there’s anything that makes me “incomplete” THAT’S IT! So grateful for God’s work in making me aware that His standard of righteousness has nothing to do with flawlessness on my terms.

    1. Yes, Michele! Thank goodness it doesn’t have anything to do with our flaws! Blessings!

  9. Its so comforting and encouraging to see perfection as maturity.I have enough trouble with maturity! 🙂 Psalm 138:8a is a comfort, too: “The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me”.

    1. Gwen, I really love that verse. It is such a good thing to remember. Blessings!

  10. I’m loving the freedom found in this, Leslie. How easily we like to take on weight that He never intended us to own. Thanks for breaking that down and simplifying it, friend. Have enjoyed getting to know you through #ChasingCommunity. ((hug))

    1. So true, Brenda. And thank you for the kind comments! I’ve enjoyed getting to you know and #ChasingCommunity is always so encouraging to me! Blessings!

  11. Thank you, Leslie, for doing the work to ease the burden of being perfect. Now the Matthew scripture makes perfect sense. Now it beckons me to succeed rather than taunting me with my failures.

    1. Alice, I appreciate your comments so much. I knew from the beginning that God would not ask something of us that would be impossible because He always provides a way, but it took a lot of deeper digging to really flesh out what that verse really meant. For a long time I had the wrong definition in mind because of my own perceptions about the word “perfect.” Thank goodness God’s word is living and the truths are there for us if we keep going to Him and asking Him to reveal them to us. Blessings!

  12. Beautiful, Leslie. Yes! What a relief to know God wants me to be in my intended place, growing toward Christlikeness!

    1. Dianne, Thank you! It is such a relief, isn’t it!! Thank you for reading today. Blessings!

  13. This is so important to understand that we are maturing and will continue to do so until death unto everlasting life or the second coming of the Christ – thanks for your words today I needed to hear them desperately

    1. Debbie, I’m so glad that this helped you today. Thank you for stopping by! (Hugs)

  14. Maturity is what happens as a result from growth from our sin – great insight and all so true. Easy to get caught up in our own works-related spiritual growth – yet repentance and focus is work! Good insights !

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